YOUR career.

We make prag­mat­ic deci­sions in the right places. That’s why we pro­mote flat hier­ar­chies, short paths and respon­si­bil­i­ty at all levels.

What makes us tick:

Keep it simple. 
We are agile.
Liv­ing smarter. 
We oper­ate sustainably.
Con­stant­ly on the move. 
We are innovative. 
Shap­ing life for tomor­row and beyond. 
We act with an eye to the future. 
Be curi­ous and show a will­ing­ness to take risks. 
We are visionary. 

Always with passion.

We are enthu­si­as­tic about inno­va­tions and tech­nolo­gies that bring real progress. Appli­ca­tions with bright minds that shine with abil­i­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty and com­mit­ment are always welcome.

What we offer:

a strong community 

remote-work friendly 

Development opportunities 

great working atmosphere 

long-term perspectives 


Your path to us:

Thank you for your inter­est in the HOCH.REIN Group. We look for­ward to your unso­licit­ed appli­ca­tion:

You will receive an online con­fir­ma­tion of receipt of your appli­ca­tion imme­di­ate­ly. If nec­es­sary, you will receive a mes­sage after­wards with the request to sub­mit any miss­ing documents.

Your appli­ca­tion will be reviewed indi­vid­u­al­ly by the HR depart­ment and the spe­cial­ist depart­ment for pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al qual­i­fi­ca­tions. You will then receive feedback.

If the feed­back is pos­i­tive, an invi­ta­tion to get to know each oth­er in a tele­phone inter­view or per­son­al meet­ing will follow.

You’re a good fit for us and we’re a good fit for you? Wel­come to the HOCH.REIN Group

By the way: Do you have any ques­tions or sug­ges­tions before, dur­ing or after the appli­ca­tion? You are wel­come to con­tact us by e‑mail at, stat­ing the job title.

Turn your visions into real­i­ty. Shape the future with us. 

We are look­ing for­ward to tak­ing the excit­ing path into the future togeth­er with you!